
Telugu SMS Jokes 140 characters

Difference between Suicid and Murder SMS (Balakrishna sms)

Tollywood  cinema fans use Nandamuri Bala Krishna in mobile smses..Just for fun..

this is the one of them...

Diffrence btwn suicide and murdr
 Balakrishna cinma ki tickets to nuvvu velite adi suicide.
Pakkodini pampite  adi Murder

Pls comment below .... your sms ...

Nestama sms for Lovers for Telugu People

I came back with love sms to who are in love

Ninnu chsena aa kshanam 
taluchu kuntunna prati kshanam.
anduko teleyani ayomayam vedistunnadi anuksham.
pade pade tapistundi NA HRUDAYAM.


Share Khan Messaglu Pampu

SHARE KHAN: 100 msg lu receive chesukogala dheerudiva nuvvu?

Bhirava: Manchi Manchi msg lu enchukuni maree pampu.

ShareKhan: Vatini Pampiste nee Inbox saripotunda?

Bhirava: Okati kadu Share Khan 100 msglu Oke sari pampu!

pls feel free to comment below thanks

Telugu Love sms: Naa manasulo vunnadi Neeve

Love- Prema- Pyar

sms in Telugu lo:

Naa manasulo vunnadi neeve.....
Naa prathi talapulo neeve......
Naa vuchvasa nichvasa neeve.....
Naa aadi neeve, anthamu neeve