
Sorry, Apologize,SMS Messages, Text Messages, Sorry Quotes, Sorry Away Messages

A Good Apology Has 3 Parts 1.I'm Sorry 2.It's My Fault 3.What Can I Do To Make It Right. But,Most Of The People Misses The 3rd Part.
Be the first one to say Sorry when the other person seems to be hurt bcoz of U and Be the 1st one to forgive if a Person says Sorry to U!
Dear Brain Sory 4 Overloading U, Dear Tummy Sory 4 D Butterflies, Dear Pillow Sory 4 D Tears N Dear Heart Sory 4 D Damage...
anytime you are angry that breaks my heart but my heart will never stop to love you.. sorry for that
If You Ask Me How Many Times My Heart Has Been Broken, Then I Ask You To Look Up At The Sky One Night, And Count The Stars. 
I am so sorry for hurting your feelings I take back my words.Hope you'll forgive me.
I M Sorry And Sorry Again I M Sorry Of Being Insane But Believe Me That I Love You Should I Say Sorry For That too
The Worst Feeling Isn`t Being Lonely ... Its Being Forgotten By Someone You Could Never Forget ...
Wish I could turn back the time and make things right... Please forgive me!
Except for the young or very happy, I can`t say I am sorry for anyone who dies.